Not funny but real.

I feel like I’m constantly complaining and moaning so I want to take this opportunity to just put down in 1s and 0s what is the matter with me. Why everything is fucked up. Why I’m technically homeless and why I can’t get out of it. I hope to shine a light on the true shit of this all the people who believe living on benefits is a walk in the park and that they’d like to be paid for lying about in bed all day. Last of all, I’m shouting out a “help”. I’ve hit a brick wall and have no idea where to move to next.


I was born with a condition called Congenital Hip dysplasia. It’s commonly known in babies as Clicky Hips. It’s checked for regularly and treated at birth. It essentially means that the hips aren’t in their sockets properly and if not corrected, will cause deformed hips.

The condition, for some reason, wasn’t spotted in me until I was seventeen years old, following an x-ray when I fell off a skateboard. Since then I’ve had so much treatment and work done on them. The problem is that the hip sockets are far too shallow for the actual ball-part of the joint and all the upper body weight is resting on the tiniest pieces of bone. The muscles and tendons are all thrown out of whack. I’ve had four different operations on them, one involving having the corner of my pelvis cut out and repositioned, resulting in two years of learning to walk again. I’ve had over a decade of physiotherapy to help me cope with this condition along with steroid injections into the gaps of the joint, hydrotherapy, acupuncture to no avail. I’ll never be able to carry a baby to full term naturally due to this condition.

It’s slowly got worse over the years. I’ve been taking some sort of opioid painkiller daily for twelve years but the constant, chronic pain is still there and essentially untreatable. I can’t remember the last time I had a proper night’s sleep.

I was working constantly until this summer just gone. The pain from this condition finally got bad enough for me to be signed off full-time, as has been expected for a long time.

I currently claim Employment Support Allowance at a rate of £67 per week. I am signed off by a doctor and am still trying to exist on the same rate as someone who simply isn’t working (hopefully) temporarily. I’m in the process of applying for Living Support Allowance but it’s apparently not looking hopeful that I’ll be entitled to it, for reasons unknown/un-understood by me, but I shall keep going.

I have been ‘lodging’ with a friend’s family for three years. I pay a very small amount for a lovely room in Zone 2. Unfortunately, since not being able to work, I can’t afford it. It’s a situation not entitled to housing benefit so I sadly started looking for somewhere new to live, and looking into getting Housing Benefit again. (eta: a lot of people suggesting ways to claim for this address, but unfortunately, for reasons I cannot go into in what is turning out to be a really well read post, it is absolutely not an option. Thank you all for your advice on this though.)
I claimed HB (Housing Benefit) one time before for a house I lived in in Leicester. It was following an operation and I had been living there two years already, paying rent while working until I was signed off sick (same condition) and it was so simple to get the HB changed over and any back rent paid-up.

Here is where I’m in the shit. The basic crux of the problem is:

I cannot claim Housing Benefit without having a lease.

I cannot get a lease without already having proof of Housing Benefit being paid to me. (Never mind applying for a Social Loan to pay any kind of deposit.)

Rock/hard place/stick up the arse. From September 2010, I have been looking all around the area, and London in general, for somewhere to rent. Most places won’t touch a HB tenant with a barge pole with an extending stick stuck on the end. Fair enough. It’s a ball-ache and every case is different and I can understand their reticence. If you do find a private landlord willing to take you on…you must already be able to show them that you are entitled to/claiming housing benefit and that you have rent and a month’s deposit up front. About a grand. Remember when I said my income is £67 p/w? And remember when I said the social won’t give me HB, or even proof that HB is entitled to me (which it most definitely is) until I can show them a signed contract, be living in the property and claim in arrears? The amount of times I’ve smashed my own head off the desk at the social office in frustration at this Catch 22 is through the roof. (I can’t smash anyone else’s head against the desk. They hide behind a perspex partition. For good reason I can see now.)

In October 2010, I applied to my local council housing department (Hammersmith and Fulham) for assistance with this situation. First question I’m asked: ‘Are you pregnant or do you have a child’? Apparently I’d be instantly entitled to help if I fitted into either of these categories. Thanks for rubbing in that I can’t have kids guyz. I made my application, was interrogated on multiple occasions, feeling like a cheat/fraud (following a half hour walk on crutches each way) and sat and waited. The application process was delayed because the doctor at the housing department had never heard of my condition. Because it’s not on a list they have, it’s not considered ‘serious enough for assistance’. Never mind that I’ve only met two other people in my entire life with the condition, and one of those was at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. My (wonderful) GP sent them another letter, outlining my condition and how it limits me and also the affect this entire situation has had on my pre-existing mental illness. It took three months altogether for them to say ‘Nah’. Their ruling was that my condition doesn’t stop me looking for a flat. True. It doesn’t. I’ve found hundreds of flat I could live in BUT NO ONE WILL LEASE TO ME. Head:wall doesn’t do my frustration justice.

Oh by the way, all through this time I’ve had to pay rent on the place I’m staying at. All my savings and inheritance and a tax rebate…every penny I ever had spare, gone. Now I’m staying unpaid versus sofa hopping. At this very moment (15th February) I haven’t received a benefit payment for three weeks due to a mess up at the benefits office with my sick note. I have 68p in the bank (which I can’t physically access as I can’t walk there due to pain). The cupboards are bare. I haven’t had a cigarette in 2 days and I haven’t spoken to a human being in eight days.

I’m all out of ideas. I’m constantly applying to charities/housing associations etc for assistance/support/anything to no avail. It’s a pretty unknown condition so Bruce Forsyth hasn’t set up a charity for me and I’m fucking stuck. I’m exhausted, broke, hungry, dying for a fag and I feel ike nothing. I feel like the lowest piece of shit on the shoe of society and I’m sad.


Has anybody got any ideas? Any suggestions. Dont’ suggest the CAB. Everyone does that and you know what, I went there six months ago, and they told me what I’ve told you already. And Shelter. I need real, hardcore shit now. I really need to be out of here in two weeks. I can see that not happening. Just any ideas? email me at

ps…I was recommended to apply a black women’s refuge by the council after they turned me down for emergency housing but they rejected me. For being a white woman. Thanks H&F council 🙂

ETA: I’ve spoken to the social today regarding my immediate no cash situation and the only response I get is to apply for a crisis loan. The only way to apply is on a free phone number. Up to an hour and a half stood in a phone box as I don’t have access to a landline. Then it’s a 50 minute walk each way (I’m on crutches) to the benefits issuing centre as ‘broke’ means ‘do not have bus fare’. Then when I arrive, I will no be issued any giro in my name as I don’t have valid ID. My passport is out of date. If I can’t afford bus fare, what’s the likelihood I can afford to leave the country and have the need for an in date passport? So yeah. I’m hungry.


Lots of people asking for my PayPal number to put some pennies in the fund. I don’t like begging but I do like fags.

No more than a quid each. I’ll hit you otherwise


February 15, 2012. Uncategorized.


  1. needsmoreletter replied:

    First, hugs. Second, when dealing with any claims for sick benefits or whatever they are calling them this week, emphasize the painkillers you take. If they have that “do not drive or operate heavy machinery” warning on them they also invalidate employers workplace insurances (essentially it’s the same as someone turning up drunk).

    A relative of mine had similar issues with being turned down, until they and their GP pointed out that no-one is going to employ someone that they can’t allow on their premises!

    Sorry I can’t come up with anything more concrete or useful than that.

  2. gemancipation replied:

    Fuck. I have no idea how to help you but I hope someone does – the benefits system is a joke, I’ve been through the whole homeless/unemployed but un-entitled thing, but for someone living with a disability it’s frankly disgusting.

    I’m sure you will have already tried, or they’ll have turned you down for some stupid reason, but have you applied for the crisis loan? Not as a solution, but as a way of keeping yourself fed and so on until the government get their shit in gear? Sorry I can’t be of more use than that.

    Good luck – I’ll ask about all I can and I’m sure everyone else will do the same. Try to keep treading water Xx

  3. gemancipation replied:

    RE: Crisis loan

    Yeah I can see that – they’re a bunch of twats at the nest of times, I was able to ring them from my house, but because I still had enough food for 2 days they said no. Then I rang back and said I now had no food, they said I couldn’t apply because i also have no passport/ID (same reason, too skint to ever need one) but didn’t figure in the travel thing.

    One other thought on food for the immediate future – down here there is a ‘food bank’ that you can get emergency rations from, and I believe they do deliver to people who can’t get to them. I know this is all just putting tiny plasters on a gaping wound but may help short term. Also a lot of churches (of all kinds) do similar things for needy people in their parishes. Worth asking?

  4. Leese replied:

    A very specific response from someone who’s been in your position who used to live in Hammersmith and Fulham: If you’re anywhere near Askew Road, there is a road off there called Curwen Road. Most of the flats along there are owned/managed by a firm of chartered surveyors called Hamways. They accept HB tenants – I know because I used to live in one of them on HB (granted, I wasn’t when I moved in, but they accepted it no problem when too had to stop work due to health/mobility issues). I’m afraid I don’t recall their number but they’re based in Oxted in Surrey, so you can look them up. The flats are usually advertised through local letting agents, but you might have some luck if you call them direct? Worth a shot, anyway. I’m not sure how old you are, but if you’re over 35 and you’re entitled to the 1-bed rate, the LHA in H&F should cover the amount they charge (if you’re under 35 you’re only entitled to the ‘room in a house’ rate, as far as I know)

    I really feel for you – I’ve been in this position myself for the last few years and it’s no fun.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Ah I’ll try them out thanks. Ie found similar companies that will lease to people on HB, but my pickle (of not yet having a claim in place) sends them running. Fantastic local advice though. Thanks a million x

  5. Princess (@_Mrs_Holmes_) replied:

    How about trying these people if you haven’t already? Although technically you are not yet, homeless, but maybe worth a chat with them to see if they can help. You mention ‘Mental Health’ – have you tried contacting any MH organisations/charities? What about writing to both the local Newspaper and your MP? Though the MP bit might take a few months to come up with ANYTHING practical, but if you could emphasis your plight and that of others in a similar position by some sort of publicity, then maybe your MP might show an interest!

    Hope your situation improves soon.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Thank you. I’m waiting for help from my MP right now. I’ll check out that website though.

      • sarah replied:

        That’s what I was going to suggest. Mps can somehow get you enough points to get a council flat. Get along to his/her surgery if you can instead of just writing. I know that’s pretty difficult though.

  6. Princess (@_Mrs_Holmes_) replied:

    ‘Housing Act 1996 – Section 188, Section 189

    Section 189: Priority need for accommodation

    (1) The following have a priority need for accommodation:-

    (a) a pregnant woman or a person with whom she resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;

    (b) a person with whom dependent children reside or might reasonably be expected to reside;

    (c) a person who is vulnerable as a result of old age, mental illness or handicap or physical disability or other special reason, or with whom such a person resides or might reasonably be expected to reside;

    (d) a person who is homeless or threatened with homelessness as a result of an emergency such as flood, fire or other disaster……’

  7. Princess (@_Mrs_Holmes_) replied:

    Think laterally. Wish you well.

  8. Eamon replied:

    You probably know this already but if you are going without food, I believe Pret give out unsold sandwiches on a nightly basis.

    Good Luck.

  9. paul replied:

    Have a look at the forums on there will be good advice there. Also pls try local church.

  10. me replied:

    have you got access to a mobile? the crisis loan number is free from the big four networks. Are you sure two other forms of ID (bank card, bill, letter) will not suffice? I don’t live anywhere near you but we have a local charity who help with deposits for housing when people are homeless-is there anything near you?
    why aren’t you getting disability living allowance? Always get a disabled person’s assistance organisation to help you fill out your forms for such things as this-the wording can really make a difference.

  11. Ivan Wells replied:

    Hi, firstly it sounds like you should be entitled to DLA (Disability Living Allowance). It’s a bit of a nightmare to apply as the application form is quite long and detailed. I recommend trying to get some assistance in filling the forms in, my friend in Barnet used Barnet Action Aid (I don’t know I’d their is something similar in H+F) but yes CAB to overloaded and understaffed these days. Key with forms is to base everything on the “worst case/days” you’ll also need to get your GP to sign it. I would suggest you apply for backdated monies to last summer.

    Once you get DLA (it’s paid 4 weekly) it also opens up other doors. They have different rates on both care & mobility.
    Sounds like you’d get the highest rate of mobility, this then would entitle you to a Freedom Pass from your local council (London wide, zones 1-6, free travel on bus, tube & trains), a Blue Badge for disabled parking (you don’t need to own a car, as it’s issued to the person not the vehicle), plus also a Taxi-Card, which is fixed discounted fares in taxi’s (useful when grocery shopping).
    The middle rate or higher of care allowance will increase the rate of ESA you get, your ESA should also go up after one year (unless the government change it in April!).

    I wish you luck and all the best, feel free to tweet me on @igwells if you’ve got any follow up questions.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Fantastic information, thank you.

  12. Simon replied: and/or

    low cost communual housing; normally very accepting/flexible.

    left field, perhaps, but a real option.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Thank you, I’ll check then out.

  13. Mark Littlewood replied:

    That’s an awful situation. I’m not quite sure what to suggest.

    On housing, what do Shelter advise?

    If you have access to the internet, how possible is it to deal with state agencies or other groups through email etc, rather than having to go to a phone box?

    I’m in the fortunate position of never having had to rely on welfare benefits, but everything I have heard and seen suggests that these sort of insane Catch 22 situations are all too typical of a state bureaucracy that has little compassion and is often more obsessed with form filling and box ticking than the relief of human misery.

    I would certainly contact your MP as a matter of urgency – through the HofC switchboard rather than by post if necessary (although, in my experience, MPs’ offices are at least as easy to get to – and as fast to respond – if you get them by email).

    It’s heartening to see people posting their ideas and expertise here. I’m not sure I have much to offer in either category, but you’ll almost certainly get much better advice from those freely assisting on this blog than you will from any state bureaucrat who is actually paid to assist you.

    I’m a heavy smoker myself – and do know what it’s like to be short on tobacco. I’d be happy to send you some smokes if you can let me know how to.

    Good luck and best wishes.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Thank you for your reply. Just knowing that people are as frustrated as I at the whole situation helps me believe I’m not going mad.

  14. Mazda replied:

    I’m so sorry to hear about the situation you’re in, it must be terribly frustrating for you.

    I don’t know if this is an avenue you’ve been down but I work for the Civil Service Benevolent Fund ( and we can provide assistance to all civil servants, former & retired & their dependents so if you or your parents ever worked in the CS you may be eligible for help? If not from us, there are 100’s of other Benevolent Funds in the UK for other trades & businesses that you may be able to apply to as you or your family have had a link to at sometime?

    We can provide information, advice & where possible financial assistance, for a variety of reasons that you may come under.

    We’re a little known source or support do if you haven’t already, it may be worth a look?

    Good luck

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Not applicable to I but that could help someone else out reading this. Thanks for reading and your support.

  15. @karenlb replied:

    I am surprised (and also not surprised) by H&F’s response. I am assuming you are registered disabled? In which case I have housed single disabled people (in London) before so it has been done. I’m not surprised because housing need in some areas is so great that pressure on LAs is enormous so if they can get out of providing help they will.

    Currently you are not homeless – you have somewhere to live – and to just walk away from that is dangerous – you are making yourself homeless and thereby potentially can’t be helped by H&F.

    I am going to suggest another try with H&F. I suggest your friends serve you with a Notice to Quit asking you to leave in a month – you can then take this to H&F again and now apply as homeless – and proper homeless – again. If you are reg disabled whether your condition is on a list is irrelevant.

    There is a Housing Assoc who specifically provides accomm for people with disabilities – it’s called Habinteg – I’m a bit out of touch because I don’t work in housing anymore (20yrs was plenty) and can’t remember whether they take applications direct – or whether they have a helpline?

    I can’t bear it when you can’t help everyone who needs it – but I also in saw a lot of people helped who probably didn’t.

    Hope situation improves.

  16. katyg (@ksg123) replied:

    Hello, and I’m so sorry to read about your situation. My daughter and I were both born with DDH. Have you been in touch with the charity Steps? They support children and adults with lower limb problems, and have a huge amount of knowledge about hip dysplasia. They actively campaign on behalf of people. They have a helpline run by very well-informed peeps, who helped me a lot. I think they would be worth a call. Their website is here
    I hope they can help. take care x

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Oh that’s fantastic, thanks.

  17. Louise replied:

    Hey, I have a similar random hip problem from childhood (perthes disease) and have a friend who had clicks hips that were discovered late. She had a hip replacement op in her 30s and the result was amazing. Are u eligible for that or would it work for u. I know how debilitating chronic pain can be and I just wondered if you could push for an op?

    Good luck finding somewhere to live,


    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Hip replacement wouldn’t help my condition unfortunately. So many people getting in touch with rubbish hips. We could start a (really slow) gang.

  18. sparrow replied:

    Hi there

    Sorry, obviously. You’re clearly going through a lot of rubbish, and this is a slightly lateral answer.

    Your experience of CHD is pretty extreme. Usually it’s picked up quicker, but as it’s rare they make their best guesses as practitioners to fix you.

    My sister’s wasn’t spotted until she was a few months old. My mum noticed her legs looked ‘funny’. Being a parent with a LOT of baby books she worked out that ‘funny looking legs’ was an issue. When they eventually sent her for tests they hypothesised that it had been missed at birth because her hip was so far out of place it didn’t click.

    She has had multiple operations involving a plaster cast with a bar splint between the knees so her legs were always akimbo. She was in and out of plaster for years. While she was in plaster she lay on an NHS ‘skateboard’ and hauled herself around.

    When she was about 12 they found that because the last operation reset her hip in slightly the wrong angle the difference between her leg length was getting worse.

    So they cut into her good leg to stop it growing so quickly.

    Now she’s in her 20s she has a slight limp and wears an instep. The pain has started. She has been told she will get osteoporosis and will need a hip replacement by the time she’s 50.

    The charity my parents were put in touch with was steps. Now known as steps-charity, no doubt to avoid confusion with the popular 90s pop act.

    They may be able to help you with the council, NHS and even help you get some compensation for the original negligence if you haven’t already.

    • RoxanneLaWin replied:

      Someone else has recommended them. How have I never heard of them? I’m a dope.
      So sorry to hear about your sister but she sounds tough. I like her!

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